Addressing Men’s Health Needs in Nepal: An Ignored Public and Clinical Health Concern

  • Mahesh Chandra Puri Center for Research on Environment, Health and Population Activities (CREHPA), Kusunti, Lalitpur, Nepal
  • Preeti Gautam Center for Research on Environment, Health and Population Activities (CREHPA), Kusunti, Lalitpur, Nepal
  • Peter Baker Global Action on Men’s Health, UK
  • Rajendra Bhadra Health and Development Solutions, Kathmandu, Nepal


Despite men’s poorer outcomes than women in many health issues such as life expectancy, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, traffic-related injuries, drug and alcohol abuse, etc, Nepal’s health care strategy does not have an adequately focused program to address men’s health needs. This comment aims to illustrate the differences in selected health indicators between men and women and suggest Nepal’s health sector strategy 2022-2030 should address to advance men’s health needs.
Keywords: Health policy; men’s health; Nepal

How to Cite
Puri, M. C., Gautam, P., Baker, P., & Bhadra, R. (2022). Addressing Men’s Health Needs in Nepal: An Ignored Public and Clinical Health Concern. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, 20(02), 546-549.
Short Communication